British couple builds treehouse to get around tree-removal ban

British couple builds treehouse to get around tree-removal ban

When Jon Martin and Noreen Jafar bought their plot of land in rural England, they weren’t expecting their town government to not allow them to remove the trees that came on the land.
They were a fan of the trees, but some were undoubtedly in the way. Not a problem– they decided to build around the trees and construct a treehouse instead.

The 2,150-square-foot house is built on steel beams and is as high as the pines that encompass the place.

It has a wood exterior to accompany the surroundings, and horizontal windows that look out into the countryside.

The balconies and walkaways allow guests and residents to get around the natural elements without disturbing them., and gives the home a unique feel– if it didn’t have that already.


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